Brand New Just For You

I vaguely remember hearing that NBA players never wear the same pair of sneakers twice at games. Not sure if that story is a fable or not but I rather fancied the idea. It left me fascinated with the notion of being given new artillery for each new battle.

New. It’s a concept we can’t really process as a result of the diminished value once we pull off a car dealership’s lot and smear fingerprints across the window of every new experience we touch.

Conditioned to sing about “mercies, new every morning” according to Biblical scriptures and life experience; I can’t say I remember the last time “new” really felt new…for me.

So I open the floor and pose a question: What does the phrase “brand new” mean to you?

If not here, then in your journal make the result of your reflections known🌹e

© Ericka Arthur and authenticitee, 2015, 2016 Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Ericka Arthur and authenticitee with appropriate and specific direction to the original content

Photo Credit: Ginny Hardwood. No copyright infringement intended.

15 thoughts on “Brand New Just For You

  1. To me it is a change in mindstate….I love the way you express in your writing sis. “New. It’s a concept we can’t really process as a result of the diminished value once we pull off a car dealership’s lot and smear fingerprints across the window of every new experience we touch. “

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    1. My Sistah… then we’d liken in to “new for you”. Sorta like walking into a thrift store? Nothing new under the sun…but it’s “new” for me…

      Wrote a love song along those lines. I hear you & thank you🌹

      Liked by 1 person

  2. There are two ways of thinking about this.

    Objectively speaking ‘brand new’ denotes an object that no one else has used.

    But If I buy a used car it is new for me. I subjectively assign to it the value of new.

    The same is true of an experience.

    Experiential ‘new’ is subjective.

    Prayer is always fresh, love is always a wonder, and to sit a marvel at the magic of creation is always new for me.

    I look at a flower and see all of the flowers I’ve ever seen and each of them is a fresh expression of joy from the artist we call God.


  3. Brand new is as new as it can get for me. It’s un-used. But new can mean so much. Like living in a new house… the house might be totally old but for me it is new because I only just moved in… good one! Another word that has so many meanings although it seems so clear what it’s supposed to mean…

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